Friday, October 25, 2013

Costume Craze

It's no secret that Brendan and I practically jump at any opportunity to dress up in costumes. We are complete suckers for a theme party. 

Tacky Christmas Sweater Party?   Check.

Luchador Olympics?   No problemo

St. Patrick's Day?  Done!

 Murder Mystery Party?   Killed it! 
(pun intended)

Naturally, it should come as no surprise that we BOTH love dressing up for Halloween. What's not to love?! It's basically the world's largest costume party. Finally a day on the calendar where it's socially acceptable to dress up like complete fools and still be (somewhat) respected by the general public.

As we prepare for this year's festivities, I thought it might be fun to take a stroll down memory lane and explore the crazy costumes of yesteryear. 

2007: 80's Duo

 This was our first Halloween together and certainly one for the books. We literally jazzercised our way through the streets of Orlando.

2008: Nerds
We sort of dropped the ball on this one, thus the last minute trip to Goodwill/Dollar Store for whatever was left. (plus that super cool Styrofoam parrot hat)  Brendan left the house hating his outfit, but I convinced him that we were the most awesome nerds ever. Also, we got to dance like Elaine from Seinfield all night long, so that made up for things. 

2009: DJ Lance Rock and Brobee
No, we don't have children.
Yes, we *occasionally*  watch Yo Gabba Gabba.

2010: Tony the Tiger & Two Scoops Sun
This was honestly my most favorite Halloween ever. Group costumes are the best! 
We sure did give General Mills a run for their money. We had Tony the Tiger, Captain Crunch, Lucky Charms Leprechaun, Honey Bee, Trix Rabbit, Tucan Sam, Sugar Bear, Two Scoops....even vintage Boo Berry!  Check out the entire crew: 

2011: Superman and Wonder Woman
Classic couples costume. It was our duty to serve and protect the people of 
Church Street that night. Plus... Brendan loves wearing capes, so this was a success.

2012: Guess Who?!
This was another great group costume and a crowd favorite!

 You can't fake this kind of fun people!
Halloween doesn't have to be just for kids. It can be for the 'big kids' too. 

As for this year's costume....Stay Tuned!

Friday, November 2, 2012

inside the mind of a bride

In the months, weeks and days leading up until our wedding day I kept receiving the same word of warning:

“Your wedding day is going to fly by.”
Several  friends and family members therefore encouraged me to stay 'present minded' on our special day. They stressed the importance of truly taking in the moments as they happen.  I took this advice to heart and really tried to take mental snapshots throughout the entire wedding weekend. I wanted to remember what I was doing not only by a photograph, but how I was feeling as those moments took place.

 Here are a few of my ‘present moment memories’ from wedding day:

October 6, 2012

My maid of honor Katy, my cousin Erin and I are all piled on top of my bed in our PJ’s.  At this moment, we were just girls being girls…painting our nails, finishing up last minute crafts and laughing the kind of gut retching laughs that only occur due to pure delirium!  Erin, looks at the clock amidst our laughter and says “It’s 1:15am!!! TODAY IS OFFICIALLY YOUR WEDDING DAY!”  It’s finally here! Reality and excitement sink in. It's time to wind down and get some beauty rest. I make a hot cup of tea before bed and sleep like a baby that night.

Hair and makeup team are in full swing. I have a house full of 8 amazing women all getting ready with me on the most important day of my life. Mimosas, munchies and music help keep the mood pleasant. I am surprisingly calm at this point. One of the things I enjoyed most about having an evening wedding, is that it allowed me to have the whole morning/afternoon with my girls. One by one, I got to see them each get dolled up and don their bridesmaids dresses. (Man, do I have one good looking bridal party!)
At this moment, I am thankful to have these ladies in my life.


Time to put on the dress!!! I have wanted to wear this dress for almost 2 years now. I would find myself sneaking into the closet just to take a peek at it…and today, I finally get to wear it- like for real this time! My maid of honor zips me up, helps me with my garter and heels…..and viola!
At this moment, I officially feel like a bride.

We arrive at the wedding venue. My girls and I are enjoying champagne and performing last minute touch ups to hair and makeup. About half an hour later, my event coordinator comes into the bridal room and says The Limo has just arrived with the groomsmen...they’re here!”  Reality sinks in that in just two hours, I am walking down the aisle.
At this moment….I am nervous.

Five minutes till show time people! My bridesmaids are whisked away and it’s just me and my father standing behind the large set of French doors that separate us from the wedding party and our guests. I start to rattle off a bunch of anxious questions “Daddy, how do I look?” “How is my hair?” “Please take my arm; my heart is beating so fast!” He helped to keep me calm by talking small talk about the weather and the venue. Anything too sentimental at that point would have had us both in a blubbering mess. I hear the music switch to Canon D and then the doors open and I finally see my groom.
At this moment… I am immediately content and completely happy.

“And now, introducing for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. please put your hands together for Brrrrrendan and Maryyyyyy Barnetttttttttt!!!!!!” My *husband* and I take to the dance floor hand in hand while our family and friends cheerfully invite us into the ballroom! The music is pounding, fists are pumping…and then our DJ skillfully enters a ‘record scratch’ and the song switches to “Gangnum Style.” In true Brendan and Mary fashion, we bust out our choreographed dance moves and give the crowd a little show to start the night off right!
At this moment… I am all smiles.

It’s time to dance with my dad. I let my father choose the song and I couldn’t be happier with his choice. We danced to Tony Bennett’s version of “Always.” It’s such a beautiful and sentimental song. We share some small talk at the beginning, then I lay my head on his shoulder and we just dance quietly for a while. After a few tears, we sing the final lyrics to each other, hand in hand.
I'll be loving you…. Always
With a love that's true…. Always.
When the things you've planned…
Need a helping hand…
I will understand….Always.

Days may not be fair… Always.
That's when I'll be there… Always.
Not for just an hour…
Not for just a day…
Not for just a year..
But Always.
At this moment…I am still Daddy’s little girl.


Food has been served, cake has been cut, toasts have been toasted and party mode is in full effect! I take a minute to look around and see a room full of our favorite people singing, dancing, and laughing together all under one roof. The dance moves coming from our family and friends are out of this world and I love every minute of it.
At this moment…I am all about the dance floor.


Event Coordinator: “Your limo is staged and waiting, it’s time for your grand exit.”

WHAT?! How can this be? It’s really time to GO? Time sure does fly when you’re having fun, and I learned it fly’s even faster when it’s your wedding day. One by one our guests line the front walkway with a handful of rose petals ready to toss for our final departure.

Event Coordinator: You ready? One…two…three….RUN FOR IT!

The doors open, and we are greeted by a wave of cheers and a shower of rose petals. Hand in hand, we make our way to the limo and share one last kiss for the crowd.  

At this moment… I feel so lucky and so in love.